Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Press Release and Stories

1. Press Release from GAP:
The press release is about GAP's new campaign, "Sound of Color", where they asked five different artists to write songs about a specific color. They have then set up a website where you can download the songs and watch music videos that were created for them. The site is only up until March 15, after which the rights to to music will be given back to the artists for their personal use.

2. Stories written from press release:

Gap Goes Viral For Color Coordinated Campaign

This story was written for Billboard print and online magazine. Because Billboard is a magazine that is dedicate to all things music, it was fitting that this article was published here. The article's purpose is to inform the public of this new campaign and also to highlight the up-and coming musicians and video directors. The article is neutral and does a good job of informing its readers of the new music available.

Gap Draws From Varied Palette for Web Music Promotion

This article acutally got its information from the Billboard story and not from the press release. It takes a more negative stance. It calls attention to the fact that the campaign is a bit transparent and is more focused on increasing sales at the GAP than it is about bringing awareness to the musicians. The article is short and doesn't go in to much detail, but sights the Billboard article.

Gap Discovers The Sound of Color

This article was written very positively. It mentions the fact that GAP is allowing the artists to retain the rights to their songs after the month-long campaign is over. It also emphasizes the "avant garde"-ness of the musicians and directors alike.

Interestingly, each article chose to focus most of its attention on one musician, Marie Digby, who is known for her fame on You Tube.

3. I was intrigued by this press release because it seems like the GAP is always choosing to advertise and market themselves in unique ways. I am a huge fan of Indie music and have an interest in lesser-known musicians, so this campaign really intrigued me. The press release was written well and highlighted each musician as well as the music video directors.

To find articles and stories written from this press release, I used the Google search engine. I searched "Gap color music" and was able to find numerous articles that had been written. I also tried searching "sound of color", but was unable to find any articles directly related to this particular campaign.

I would deem this press release effective. It was able to generate enough interest in the topic to get many articles and stories written about it, including one in a very prominent music magazine. All of the articles were relevant to the release and took positive or neutral stance and in one, a very mildly negative stance. All of the articles provided the kind of attention that was the original intent of the press release. The creative director at GAP was quoted and was very convincing and believable. The articles used quotes from the press release and the Billboard article had gotten additional information and quotes from the director of advertising at GAP. Quotes from the musicians were not included in the release, but were used in the articles. The target audience of this press release was definitely reached.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Talking Points

1. Created 6 new marketing brochures for USU Conference Services
2. Innovator
3. Find non-traditional solutions to problems
4. Unique approach to brainstorming

1. Work well under pressure
2. Always complete projects

1. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
2. Type 80 WPM
3. Detail oriented

Positioning Assignment

Graduating with a degree in public relations means that I have many opportunities ahead of me. I chose to major in PR because I felt like it was a good stepping stone in furthering my education. According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, employment of advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers is expected to increase by 12 % through 2016. This is about as fast as the average for all occupations. These jobs are all highly coveted and sought after which will result in very high competition.

In order to set myself apart from the rest, I feel it will be in my advantage to get as much education as possible. I plan to further my education by getting a graduate degree in Public Administration. An MPA will help me to learn techniques used in planning, organizing, and staffing (University of San Francisco). I am choosing an MPA over an MBA because I feel that it will enhance my managerial skills and help me learn techniques to develop good relationships with clients, coworkers, and employees. Having excellent managerial skills will set my apart from my competition and give me a competitive advantage in the job market.

I want to attend school in California and there are only two schools that offer MPAs: San Diego State University and the University of San Francisco. Both require a minimum GPA of 3.0, good scores on the GRE, and at least two letters of recommendation. USF also requires a 3-5 page essay that contains a statement of purpose and career goals. Each school not only looks at grades and test scores, but heavily weighs research interests, employment history, and goals.

After graduate school, I would like to work for an advertising agency as a project leader. Having an MPA will enhance my abilities to be a successful leader.

1. I will develop good relationships with my professors.

I would like my professors to know me on a personal basis so that I can have the opportunity to show them how hard I work. I want to be able to include honest letters of recommendation in my graduate school applications that will stand out above the competition. I can continue to use these contacts as professional references when I begin my job search.

2. I will seek out projects specifically designed to build my portfolio.

Having a strong portfolio will give me an advantage in the application process as well as when I begin to search for a job after graduating with my masters degree. I will focus on marketing, creative projects, and public awareness campaigns. Being able to show examples of my work will be much more convincing than just saying that I am capable of doing good work. My portfolio will highlight my strengths and make my weaknesses seem insignificant.

3. I will build a list of 10 agencies I would like to work for.

By researching these agencies, I will be able to see what qualities they look for during the interviewing process. I can shape my research and studies around these specifications so that I might have an advantage over my competition.